Fixing the broken stuff, one commit at a time

03 Sep 2019

So you want to be a software engineer

I’ve had a lot of practice with how I could explain software engineering in a concise, but humourous way for the people that were curious about what software engineering entailed. I decided to pursue software engineering because I want to make my own rules and features to improve upon widely-used software products on today’s market. There have been countless times where I’d encounter some kind of limitation of a computer program that I would be using, and wonder why it was not implemented. This would be followed by me screaming into the sky in hopes that the developers would add the feature in the next update of the program. However, after numerous frustrating discoveries of missing features and capabilities, I started thinking about the possiblity of creating those features myself.

Over the next few years of my academic career, I hope to develop the skills necessary to be an effective and competent software engineer. Ideally, I would like to learn project management as one of the goals along the way, as I feel like managing a software project is an important skill to have to put out a quality product. I would like to use the (possible) project management skills that I learn in class, along with all the other skills that I will learn to implement new features in famous commercially available products in the future.